


Creating Optopia

Santec is guided by a commitment to the Optical Technology that is revolutionizing the way we perceive the world and share information. Santec envisions an evolved society with photonics driving advancements in communications, life sciences, sensing and industry. Photonics has the potential to unleash unprecedented growth and it brings transformation to the way we work, connect, and relax. We call this new, enlightened and Human Centric Information Society: OPTOPIA.




The Photonics Pioneer

Advance the creation of Optopia using our unique photonics solutions.

Lead the market as a respected pioneer and influence the world to build a bright future.

Deliver on the dreams and prosperity of customers, suppliers, stockholders, employees and our community.




ICC Venture Spirit

Venture spirit is a compass for each employee. With the following three words in mind, we commit to make full use of our potential to overcome any adversity and explore new paths.

Entrepreneurial mind-set. Exceptional sense of responsibility. Courage to take risks.
Challenge convention and pursue extraordinary approaches.
Awareness of goal and duty. Unshakable determination.





Keys to Success

Customer First
We listen to customers and strive to exceed their expectations.
Target and Lead the Market
We select and focus on markets we can lead.
Outstanding Performance
We search for excellence in performance and quality.
Imagination and Innovation
We differentiate ourselves with audacious vision and invention.
Flexible and Flat Organization
We manage an efficient organization where decisions are made quickly.
Diversity and Team Bonding
We respect individuality and promote unity toward a common goal.
Open Communication
We encourage honest and open discussion with integrity.
Global Perspective
We value our connections to the international community.
Acumen and Diligence
We pursue accuracy and keenness of insight, always staying curious.
Agility and Perseverance
We move quickly and work persistently to capture profit opportunity.