Influence the world
Established October 5, 2015
The purpose of our IR activities is to ensure that shareholders and investors understand the current and actual state of the Company accurately. The basic policy for the information disclosure is to provide information on operating results and business strategies accurately in a timely and fair manner based on the procedures for disclosing material facts.
We consistently disclose information in accordance with the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other laws, as well as rules on the timely disclosure of company information stipulated in the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Securities Listing Regulations (hereafter, "Timely Disclosure Rules"). At the same time, we will actively disclose information that is deemed to be important or beneficial in order for investors to understand the Company, even when it is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules.
We will endeavor to disclose information accurately by promptly disclosing quarterly performance announcements.
In addition, the information disclosed by the Company may include “forward-looking statements”, but it may not always be an accurate predictor of results due to various factors such as changes in economic conditions and market conditions. Therefore, please refrain from relying entirely on these prospects when making forecasts of our business performance.
Information disclosure will be made through TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As for the posting on our website, if it is disclosed through TDnet, it will be posted on our website immediately after the disclosure. Other information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules will be disclosed on our website if it is judged to be necessery to disclose.
We refer only to facts that have already been publicized, public facts or general business environment in meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors. We will not mention any undisclosed material facts.
In order to prevent information affecting stock prices from being leaked during the preparation period for financial results announcement materials, we will refrain from commenting on financial results and answering questions during the three-week period immediately before the financial results announcement. However, if there is a material fact during the Quiet Period, the information will be appropriately disclosed following the Timely Disclosure Rules.